How to Manage Time Effectively During the NISM Series V A Exam

Time management is one of the most critical skills for success in the NISM Series V A: Mutual fund exam practice test. With only 2 hours to answer 100 questions, efficient time management can make the difference between passing and failing. This blog provides you with practical tips on how to manage your time effectively during the exam.

Understand the Exam Structure: The NISM Series V A exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, with a total duration of 2 hours. Each question carries 1 mark, and there is no negative marking. Understanding the exam structure is the first step to effective time management.

  1. Practice with Timed Mock Tests: Mock tests are the best way to practice time management. At, we offer timed mock tests that simulate the actual exam environment. By practicing under timed conditions, you’ll learn how to pace yourself and allocate time to different sections of the exam.
  2. Read Questions Carefully: While it’s important to work quickly, it’s equally important to read each question carefully. Misreading a question can lead to incorrect answers, costing you valuable marks. Take a few seconds to ensure you understand the question before selecting an answer.
  3. Skip and Return Strategy: If you encounter a difficult question, don’t spend too much time on it. Use the skip and return strategy: mark the question and move on to the next one. Once you’ve answered the easier questions, return to the ones you skipped. This ensures you don’t waste time on challenging questions and miss out on answering the ones you know.
  4. Allocate Time to Each Section: Divide your exam time among the different sections based on your strengths and weaknesses. Allocate more time to sections that are more challenging for you. For example, if you find legal aspects more difficult, plan to spend more time on those questions.
  5. Use the Process of Elimination: If you’re unsure of an answer, use the process of elimination to narrow down your options. Eliminating obviously incorrect answers increases your chances of selecting the correct one, saving you time and boosting your score.
  6. Avoid Overthinking: Overthinking can slow you down and lead to second-guessing your answers. Trust your preparation and go with your first instinct. If you’ve prepared well, your first choice is likely to be the correct one.
  7. Keep Track of Time: Keep an eye on the clock during the exam. Regularly check the time to ensure you’re on track to complete the exam. If you’re running behind, adjust your pace accordingly.
  8. Review Your Answers: If you have time left after answering all the questions, review your answers. Look for any obvious mistakes or questions you may have skipped. However, avoid changing answers unless you’re sure you made a mistake, as your first choice is often correct.
  9. Stay Calm and Focused: Staying calm and focused is essential for effective time management. If you feel anxious, take a deep breath and refocus. Anxiety can cloud your judgment and slow you down, so it’s important to stay composed.
  10. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or visualization can help you stay calm and focused during the exam. These techniques can be particularly helpful if you start to feel stressed or overwhelmed.

Effective time management is crucial for success in the NISM Series V A exam. By practicing with timed NISM mock test for mutual fund distributors, using strategies like skipping and returning, and staying calm and focused, you can make the most of your exam time and increase your chances of success.


  1. How can I improve my time management skills for the exam?
    • Practice with timed mock tests and develop strategies like skipping difficult questions and returning to them later.
  2. What should I do if I’m running out of time during the exam?
    • If you’re running out of time, focus on answering the questions you’re most confident about and use the process of elimination for the rest.
  3. Is it better to skip difficult questions or spend more time on them?
    • It’s better to skip difficult questions and return to them later to ensure you don’t miss out on answering the easier ones.
  4. How can I stay calm during the exam?
    • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or visualization to stay calm and focused.
  5. Should I review my answers if I have time left?
    • Yes, but avoid changing answers unless you’re sure you made a mistake, as your first choice is often correct.

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